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Janis Northcott

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Janis Northcott 

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 Hello! Welcome to my ELL page. My name is Janis Northcott. I grew up in Canadian and it is an honor to teach our community's children. This is my 19th year at CES as the ELL teacher. I taught 4th Grade previously in Amarillo, Texas. My husband also grew up in Canadian. My son graduated from CHS in 2012 and my daughter graduated in 2018. We are a proud WILDCAT family.

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English language learners come to my classroom to work on English. My students have another first language and need help mastering English as their second language. I wish I was bilingual, but since I'm not, it is my pleasure to help CISD students with English. Luckily, I have a wonderful, bilingual assistant that is available to help me translate! We are blessed to have Ms.Dennisse here at CES!
It is my job to help my ELL students become highly advanced in speaking, listening, writing, and reading in English. ELL is provided for all qualified students at CES from PK-2nd Grade. Students come to my room daily and we learn a lot of things. The best thing about my job is watching my students learn and grow in their language development. 

If you need to contact me, please feel free to call
806-323-9331 or you may email me at:

Remember, we all SMILE in the SAME language!


Janis Northcott

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